Friday, September 17, 2010

Bemoaning Hormones

I’m a pretty calm and rational person. I don’t get too upset by things and after nearly 10 years of marriage, Kendra and I have a pretty good relationship and don’t argue that often. That’s why I don’t really understand the hormones thing. Now wait. I believe in hormones and understand that there are all kinds of weird things going on in my wife’s body—things that cause her to act strangely and cry during every episode of Glee. These I can handle, but the irritability is a little harder. Again, I’m not complaining, it’s just that she gets irritated with me, Campbell, the dog, etc. much faster. And I think it’s worse with the second pregnancy. I know, I know. You’re saying, “How can YOU complain? You don’t have a hard time sleeping. You’re not always uncomfortable. You don’t have the feeling of a small boulder in your stomach.” I’m not complaining. I guess I admire those husbands out there who can calmly and sweetly deal with situations like this:
Husband: “Hey, did you eat yet?”
Wife: “Eat yet? Eat yet? How can I have eaten when I’m in between getting the clothes washed and folded, trying to get Campbell to straighten her room and ordering the rest of the baby’s room décor on line?”
Husband: “I meant that if you haven’t eaten yet I’d fix you something, Honey.”
Wife: “Well, you ate all the bread yesterday.”
Husband: “But I got some more bread. Do you want a sandwich?”
Wife: “You know we don’t have ANYTHING done yet.”
Husband: “Just make me a list so I’m clear and I’ll get to it.”
Wife: “I did make you a list. I just can’t find it. Do you think the blue and brown is too much with this pattern?”
Husband: “Uh…no? Why are you crying?”
Wife: “I was thinking about Glee the other day.”
Husband: “I’m going to go work in the yard.”

OK, I’m going to stop now. I’ll probably get in trouble for writing this post.

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